Sunday, September 12, 2010

Performance + Concerto com Hajime Fujita, Hana Kogure e Miguel Leiria Pereira

Performance + Concerto com Hajime Fujita, Hana Kogure e Miguel Leiria Pereira

2 Outubro 22h00 - 5 euros (incluido Performance e Concerto)
Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa(ESMTC)
R. Dona Estefânia 175, Lisboa

Hana Kogure, canta o prazer da Vida
Hana Kogure(JP) com Miguel Leiria Pereira(PT)

Singing is a life itself. That says, as we find the pleasure in our life, Hana Kogure sings the shine in our world.

Hana Kogure, Japanese singer, comes back to Lisbon with her new tracks. An encounter with Portuguese culture brings her the magnificent musicality, such as with the songs of "Andorinha" and "A Cidade Onde Gaivotas Vivem". Also this concert involves the collaboration with a portuguese contrabassist, Miguel Leiria Pereira.

Sample tracks online:

Short Biography: Hana Kogure
Born in 1983, in Chiba, Japan. Hana Kogure started to produce her original songs when she was 15 years old. She has been introduced throughout Japan since 1999, and Portugal since 2008(Maus Hábitos, Cabaret Maxime, Espaço Nimas a.o.). Her outstanding voice and tender tone are bringing fresh surprise to the audience everywhere.


Structure/ Improvisation/ Multi-layered Phases
Hajime Fujita(JP/PT) e Miguel Leiria Pereira(PT)

In most of improvisation performance, either dance or music, it is usual that the artists projects or interprets his intention as artistic format(kind of as an instant composition). Our question here is, what or who is the subject(e.g. author) of that improvised performance.

Or, let's say we are trying to avoid that the performance acquires any subject. In other words, nothing is controlling, dominating, and occupying the performance. We, including the audience, are free and equal at the moment.

The key concept is the Structuralism. We see 'relationships' between us on the multi-layered phases. For instance, physical matters(dance movements, sound tones...), cultural background, social identification position, political attitude.... various and complex, but at the same time we can figure out and establish(or automatically being established) the certain relationship on each layer and on multi layers. There no obligation and obsession to find any subject.

This is our artistic experiment and research based on the anthropological curiosity: how can we live together with the Other who is never 'understandable'.

[ video ]

Workshop com Hajime Fujita (Coreógrafo/Dançarino Japonês)
Open Your Body to All The Possibilities
27 Setembro(Seg) - 1 Outubro(Sex) 19h00-21h30

Mais Informações:

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